There are many options to remove rust from metallic furniture and other metallic wares in the home, but does pink stuff remove rust? It is widely known to be a suitable cleaning agent, and it will be an excellent addition to your cleaning ensemble, but can you use the pink stuff on metallic surfaces and get good results?
Yes, pink stuff removes rust effectively. However, they are most effective on rust spots that you can find on metal parts of furniture. They are also effective at eliminating rusts from sinks, taps, and all metal surfaces. However, it is unclear if they can remove extensive rust on metal surfaces.
This piece will provide information on how you can remove rust from metal wares, furniture, and metallic parts of household items that have rust spots on them. It will also explain how and why the pink stuff is so good at removing rust by explaining its significant ingredients.
What Is The Pink Stuff?
The pink stuff is a miracle cleaning agent that is used to clean household items, wares, and furniture, restoring them to their shiny glory states. It is a range of products that are used to clean grimes off bathroom walls, remove stains from clothing, disinfect, and do laundry. These cleaning activities are aided by different products with similar ingredients, under the Star Drop company products.
The Star Drop product responsible for removing rust is the pink stuff miracle cleaning paste. It is characteristically mildly abrasive and is gray. Due to its texture, you should not use it against shiny stainless steel surfaces as it will scratch its surface and reduce the luster it should have. For effective results, apply the paste on the surface you wish to clean and use another mildly abrasive material, such as a piece of cloth to work the paste around the surface.
Wipe off the paste from the metal surface with a damp cloth to see the shiny surface appear. You may have to leave the paste on the surface for some time for a better result.
Components of the Pink Stuff
The pink stuff miracle cleaning paste is made from natural ingredients. Some of them are easy to come by while others are scarce, and cannot be used alone to achieve the magic this cleaning paste provides in removing rust.
Some of the ingredients include dimethicone, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium silicate, quartz, soap, acid red 52, and laurylamine dipropylenediamine. Starting from the last listed ingredient, let’s see how they contribute to the rust-removing prowess of the pink stuff miracle cleaning paste.
Laurylamine dipropylenediamine is an ionic surfactant that is soluble in water. It is flammable and possesses anti-corrosive properties. It is commonly used in lubricants, as an antistatic agent, and in cosmetic products, such as hair conditioners. Its use as a corrosion inhibitor makes it an excellent ingredient in the miracle cleaning paste to remove rust.
Dimethicone is a non-toxic, non-flammable, and inert oil that is commonly used in making contact lenses, medical devices, and many cosmetic products. It is also a surfactant and defoamer commonly used in making hydraulic fluids due to its mechanical properties. Excellent addition to the pink stuff paste ingredients.
Quartz is the most abundant mineral you can find on the earth’s surface. It is characteristically hard and it is responsible for the abrasiveness of the pink stuff paste. Its strength and abrasiveness help to remove the rust from metal surfaces.
Sodium carbonate, also known as washing soda, is a weak base that is commonly used in cleaning agents for cleaning household items. Sodium bicarbonate, also called baking soda, is a mild disinfectant and acid neutralizer. They help to break the chemical bond that exists between the iron ions and hydroxy ions, thereby removing rust.
How Does Pink Stuff Remove Rust?
Considering the ingredients used in the manufacture of the pink stuff miracle cleaning paste, one can easily deduce how it works and removes rut from metal surfaces. Its characteristic abrasiveness is paramount to its efficacy; however, so does its ability to dissolve rusts.
These two actions are performed by specialized chemicals. Quartz, being the hardest substance and the abrasive one of the ingredients used in making the pink stuff paste, provides the abrasive quality needed to scratch the surface of the rust.
However, the quartz’s work is made easier by the combined efforts of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, as they break the adhesion that exists between iron ions and hydroxyl ions that make up rust. In other words, they chemically disintegrate rust.
Combining all three of these major ingredients effectively removes rust by first chemically disintegrating rust, and physically removing them from the metal surface.
How To Remove Rust With The Pink Stuff?
To remove rust from your sink, tap, outdoor furniture, grill, and other metal surfaces, follow these steps, using the pink stuff paste.
- Apply some pink stuff miracle cleaning paste on the metal surface you wish to clean. The more the rust spots, the more the paste you should apply.
- You may leave the paste on the surface for about 10 minutes.
- Rub the paste over the affected areas with a piece of cloth or, for a faster result, a toothbrush.
- Scrub the surface with a cloth or brush.
- Rinse the cloth and wipe the paste off the surface. You will notice the rust spots are gone.
Final Thoughts
The pink stuff miracle cleaning paste is an effective cleaning agent against rust. It removes rust from metal surfaces as a result of the action of the ingredients used in making it. It is mildly abrasive and requires that you use a cloth or brush to remove rusts from metal surfaces. However, you may want to skip its use on shiny stainless steel surfaces.